It’s been 12 months! (1 year)

I remember the exact day I published my first post – it was around the end of my 2018 spring break; I had written up to chapter 3.13 on google docs by then, and finally asked my mom if I could create a WordPress account to put my story out there. She said sure, and so I did. I was sitting on the floor in front of the sofa and behind the ottoman, with my sister’s (because I didn’t have mine yet) computer on the ottoman in front of me as I made my site. It was late at night on March 31st. I played around slightly with what the site looked like and came up with this:

Obviously it looks much different now and much more professional, lol. Since then, I’ve probably tried every free theme available, but now, ironically, I’m back to the Radcliffe 2 theme, just on a different style pack. The first chapter ended up being published on April 1st at around midnight. I would’ve never known how big of a deal this story would’ve became in my life. No idea. Over this past year from April 2018 to April 2019, I’ve become a much better writer and found this amazing community. Unrelated to writing, a lot of things have changed in my life, too. My family and I have moved twice since April 2018 and are about to move once more in about a month, hopefully for the last time. I’ve also found out so much about myself and have honestly grown a lot since then. Anyway, thank you all for your continued support. Reading your guys’ comments really inspires me to keep going and makes me feel like I’m part of something more than myself; that this story might mean something to people other than me. So… thank you. All of you. This is also my official 200th post 😄 Also, if you haven’t been over to the world timeline since the first day I put it up, I’ve added on a decent amount since then!


In one year, we have…

  • 96 followers! Thank you all for you continued support!



  • 3.5 thousand average views per month in 2019,

  • and 195, 247 words!

This is crazy, guys, thank you all so much! This year has been amazing and I wish to continue my journey here no matter where it takes me. Even though I’n not even writing chapters right now you guys are still supporting me in what I’m interested in right now (the timeline) and you don’t know how much that means to me. Here’s to many more years, no matter what they bring!


I’m also putting out picture recaps of generations one and two to celebrate, as well as a page showing the evolution of their house, so check those out! 🙂

Gen One in Pictures / Gen Two in Pictures / House Evolution

Also, I mean to ask you guys if you were interested in a face reveal but I never did, so here you go anyway! 😛

Yep, that’s me!

21 thoughts on “It’s been 12 months! (1 year)

  1. AAAH! You are adorable! 🙂 I had no idea… your hair! your face! your eyes! 🙂

    Thank you for sharing! Now, when I read your deep words, I will imagine your bright eyes and clever smile!

    And congratulations of blogging for a full year! The first Blogaversary is a big deal! And to have written through two moves and a busy life–huge accomplishment!

    I’m looking forward to another great year of the Clemonte Family!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you 😛 I hope to get the story started up again soon, but testing is coming up so it might take until summer to be back on the schedule.


      1. Good luck with testing! Eat breakfast! Sleep well! We’re doing testing in my district now, too. All our kids are rock stars, doing their best!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations on one year! I’m so glad I’ve met you on here. You look adorable and I love your hair ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I’m really glad I’ve met you, too. I always look forward to seeing you around 😄

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow. A year of pictures and image provoking words. Congratulations on this fantastic achievement, If you dream it, you can achieve it. I look forward to your continued evolution.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You are gorgeous! Not gonna lie, I thought I was looking at a picture of my younger sister. Your eyes, smile, and curly hair look just like hers. Congratulations on your one year blogiversary! Writing and maintaining a blog is a hard work and requires a lot of time and creativity so to do it so consistently for so long is an achievement. You should be proud of yourself. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, that’s funny! 😛 And yes, writing consistently isn’t always easy but it really pays off. Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Congrats on one year, that’s amazing! Haha, I love the origin story. Very sweet. Ah, you’re so pretty! I love your hair 😀 Looking forward to reading more, as per usual. The timeline is amazing so far!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I’m glad you’re enjoying the timeline.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Wow, it’s been a year already? That’s really, really awesome! Congratulations on your blogiversary. Also you have really, really great hair. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, yeah, I can’t believe it’s been a year either. Thank you! 😛


  7. Congratulations on one year of blogging! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Magpie2012/Ravenangel888 April 6, 2019 — 5:57 pm

    *waves at the pretty lady*

    Hi!!! I’m so glad you started writing this story on here a year and a bit ago! I love the Clemonte family. Even when I want to smack them (Vali, I’m looking at you!). I can’t wait to see what the next year brings!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 😊 Thank you! I’m so glad I began writing too and met all these amazing people like you. I hope you enjoy the story when I get around to writing it again, probably after testing.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Chelsae Kronland May 22, 2020 — 12:05 pm

    Ive been loving reading through this story and seeing your writing style devlop. I may be late joining in but its so great to see other girls with an interest in writing take it so seriously from a young age. I definitely didnt share my writing with people much at all until recently (im 25). I admire your confidence and courage!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I’m glad you’ve been enjoying the story, I hope to come back to it this summer! 🙂


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